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    Three-Time TOP 10 World Finalist
    Two-Time New York City Sweeps Champion
    Two-Time US National Finalist & Silver Medalist
    US National "AUDIENCE FAVORITE" Award-Winner

    "The Barbershop Gateway Drug"

    -Deke Sharon

    Music Director - Pitch Perfect film series

    Round Midnight is a barbershop quartet with unique style. Dynamic and original, the group continues to share the exciting sound of close harmony with audiences of all ages worldwide.

    They have been recognized by multiple international A Cappella organizations for their innovative approach to vocal performance. 2024 marked the 20th Anniversary of the quartet performing together.

  • About 'Round Midnight

    'Round Midnight has been thrilling audiences for over two decades with their one-of-a-kind style. They demonstrate how barbershop harmony can be applied to different musical genres like R&B, pop, jazz, rock, and Broadway. Known for their innovative vocal charts by resident arranger and dynamic lead singer Wayne Grimmer, the Harmonizer Magazine says that their unique identity has "subtly influenced other group's song choices, arranging techniques, and vocal stylings."

    Dubbed "The Barbershop Gateway Drug" by Contemporary A Cappella guru Deke Sharon (Music Director - Pitch Perfect film series), ‘Round Midnight has earned accolades from various A Cappella organizations including: CASA - The Contemporary A Cappella Society, Varsity Vocals, Harmony Sweepstakes, and the Barbershop Harmony Society (BHS). The quartet is a three-time Top 10 World Finalist in the BHS International Barbershop Quartet Contest as well as a two-time Harmony Sweepstakes National Finalist and "Audience Favorite" award winner. The group has received praise for their recording efforts too, garnering multiple Contemporary A Cappella Recording Award (CARA) nominations.

    In their advocacy for music education, ‘Round Midnight was appointed as an "Arts Envoy" group by the U.S. State Department and sponsored to share barbershop harmony on a week-long tour of schools and free public concerts in the Eastern European country of Latvia. They continue to serve as clinicians for barbershop master classes, festivals, workshops, assemblies, and camps for students of all ages from Kindergarten through University (and beyond) in North America and Europe. More info at RoundMidnightQuartet.com

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    LARRY BOMBACK - tenor

    Larry was Senior Vice President of Administration at the Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia, one of the top music conservatories in the world. Prior to this appointment, he was Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial Officer at DataArts. Previously, Larry was Director of Finance and Operations at OPERA America, and Operations Manager at the award-winning New York Youth Symphony. Larry is also the founder and Artistic Director of the acclaimed “Voices of Gotham” Men’s Chorus from New York City. A former Lecturer of Music History at Hunter College in Manhattan, he has published articles in several esteemed periodicals, and has presented lectures in the United States, Canada and Great Britain.

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    WAYNE GRIMMER - lead

    Wayne is the resident vocal arranger for ‘Round Midnight. He earned a Master's degree in Composition and Arranging from Five Towns College in his native New York, where he taught for several years as a music professor. He is now, appropriately, a resident of Nashville, Tennessee (aka "Music City, USA"). His popular A Cappella arrangements have been published by Hal Leonard Corporation and are performed by ensembles all over the world. Wayne's arrangement of "Take The 'A' Train" won best arrangement at the Harmony Sweepstakes National Finals.

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    T.J. CAROLLO - baritone

    T.J. is the Choral and Drama Director at a middle school in New York, where he directs three choirs and the musical theater program. He was recognized with the "Actions, Not Words" award by SEPTA (Special Education PTA) for meaningful inclusion of the special needs community in all aspects of the music program. T.J. has created and taught seminars to assist educators aspiring to establish engaging theater programs in their own schools as well. T.J. earned degrees in Music Education from Five Towns College, where he was a founding member of the institution’s storied collegiate barbershop program.

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    Jeff is an elementary school classroom/choral music teacher on Long Island, NY. He is a Five Towns College alumnus with Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees, both in Music Education. Jeff is the currently the Musical Director of both the Twin Shores Chorus and the Long Island Sound Chorus along with its scholastic offshoot, the Five Towns College collegiate barbershop program. He has served as a clinician and director at multiple barbershop youth events. In addition, he moonlights as a featured vocalist with “New York’s Most Dangerous Big Band”.


    Shop here for custom 'Round Midnight gear! Designs by CustomQuartetStuff.com

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    Syosset Public Library Concert - POSTPONED - rescheduled for Fall 2025
  • Contact Us

    Send your e-mail directly to Larry at info@RoundMidnightQuartet.com or type your message in the box below and we'll get back to you ASAP!

  • Socials

    Connect with us on social media!

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    Youth Outreach & Adult Education

    Click HERE to view our teaching history

    'Round Midnight is dedicated to the cause of formal music education in schools and continuing music education for adults of all ages.

    They continue to serve as clinicians for barbershop master classes, festivals, workshops, assemblies, and camps for students of all ages from Kindergarten through University (and beyond) in North America and Europe.

    Contact us today at info@RoundMidnightQuartet.com to set up a tour of your local schools!

  • - EXTRAS -

    Click the button below to read more about our:

    - Repertoire
    - Awards
    - Past Shows
    - Outreach and Education


    'Round Midnight is also streaming on Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon, and YouTube

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    'Round Midnight
    -digital download-

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    New York State Of Mind
    -digital download-

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    Live Out Loud
    -digital download-

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    Physical CDs

    Hard-copy CDs can be purchased at our live shows for a discount! Get them while they last. What's a CD, you ask?



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    Wayne Grimmer's popular A Cappella arrangements have been published by Hal Leonard Corporation and are performed by ensembles all over the world. He is the resident vocal arranger for 'Round Midnight and was nominated by the Barbershop Harmony Society as Arranger of the Year.

    Wayne’s arrangement of "Take The A-Train" won best arrangement at the Harmony Sweepstakes National Finals.

    He has participated in workshops for schools K-12 in New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Maryland, and Tennessee as guest clinician as well as a member of ‘Round Midnight quartet to demonstrate the barbershop style and other vocal styles to young singers..